Video Functional Movement Assessment

Don’t wait for injuries to happen.
Take proactive steps to ensure the well-being of your workforce.

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One of a kind video functional movement assessment – to provide individualized injury prevention programs.

ampHealth functional movement assessment performs easy and accurate postural risk assessments using state of the art computer vision technology. Following the completion of a series of standardized exercises captured via camera phone and renders a comprehensive risk score for each employee, highlighting human mechanics in need of improvement.

Get results quickly and effortlessly with digital assessments
wherever that employee is located
Produce an evidence-based risk assessment highlighting more
than 30 points of interest on the body in 6 movements
Adapt technology to serve your needs, whether a small
businesses or a large corporations
Business Intelligence
Tailor treatment plans and interventions based on individual
movement patterns and risks, ensuring each person receives
the care they need

Functional Movement Assessment
Ergo Prevent

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